Monday, September 27, 2010

My September's Exodus

Exodus: 12:50-51

"So all the Israelites did exactly as the Lord

commanded Moses and Aaron.

And on this very day the Lord brought the Israelites

out of the land of Egypt by their regiments."

As I began to think about what I would put in my blog, the first thing you need is a title. "The Genesis of September" came instantly because September is all about beginnings and that’s what my blog was gonna be about: The beginning of my renewed walk with Christ.

Then I realized that it was actually the end of the month and what I was going through wasn’t really a beginning. It was more of an ending but at the same time it was the start of a journey. Well you can’t really think of journeys, and how they are beginnings and endings without thinking of The Exodus of the original Israelites (well at least I can’t)

So back to my title "My September's Exodus" was more appropriate and here's why:

A decision to leave: The Israelites had a choice whether or not they would leave Egypt. They had known they were God’s chosen people and yet they lived in Egypt for 430 years, many of which were under oppression. After a while the bonds upon them were familiar, it had been their way of life but Exodus 12:50 shows me that ALL the Israelites did just what the Lord had commanded Moses"

My way of life had become familiar under a different type of oppression; Christ was welcomed to be a participant in my life; He could observe my life as I followed Christian virtues and tried to raise a Christian family. As my life got busy Jesus could wait at the sidelines while I tried to squeeze Him in, vowing that next week would be different.

I was very much like the rich man in my favourite fable. The Ethiopian tale The Fire on the Mountain tells of how a rich man had challenged a boy to survive a night by sitting on a mountaintop with nothing but a thin cloak . If he did, then the rich man would give him a reward. The next morning the boy who survived the night tells how he almost gave up as it was a wretched night but then he saw a fire burn from far away. The rich man felt betrayed and does not give the boy his reward.

That night the rich man threw a party. As the dinnertime came, he could smell the delicious things cooking from the kitchen but time passed and passed and nothing was brought out of the kitchen. Finally he said “where is the food”? The servants answered “But sir you have been filled with the finest foods”. He replied “I ate nothing”. They said back “But you could smell your favourite foods”. "What kind of man can be filled by smells?" the rich man demanded. “The same kind of man who believes that looking at a fire on a distant mountain can keep a boy warm," the servant returned.

I was living a life filling myself with the essence and goodness of Christianity meanwhile I was not having Christ as my main course. I realized that I needed to make a change. My exodus was that of my attitude and the way I was living a life entrusted to me but not mine.

A choice to trust God’s Glory - The word ALL in the verse really speaks to me. Here was 600k of men not counting the women and children. Every Israelite left. Why were there no doubters or sceptics in the crowd? I can’t even feed a simple meal without having one child not like something and God was able to have this magnitude leave without anyone staying. The answer lies in they saw His Glory. There wasn’t any doubt in what God was doing or that he had a plan for them. They had just witnessed the Passover and they heard that God was going to bring them to a chosen land.

I cannot deny the many things God has been speaking to me in this past week alone on His Glory. I am getting flooded with teachings. My heart is full but it is just wanting more and more.

  • On Wednesday, I went to a Bible Study this week to learn about “A Heart After His”. It’s a devotional study based on the life of David. I am a Bible College scholar, this was going to be more of a refresher based on what I already know. Well I was wrong. The first thing we prayed was that God would remove our perceptions of David and be open to learn. Could God have been any more clearer? I walked away that night stunned at what I learned already and it was only an introductory night.
  • On Thursday, I went to a social for newcomers at Koinonia. Walter & I had told ourselves we couldn’t go because we didn’t have a sitter. At the last minute a friend from an unexpected place said I will come to your home and watch them for you. I learned that night how my church is a living church making sure that God’s Word is seen to be living and relevant for today. That was a tough swallow. I see God as relevant but was I really living it and showing it?
  • Fast Forward to Sunday, At church I learned of God’s glory and how it needs to be connected through our relationship and response. Our response to our relationship to Jesus is our way of praise to Him. He doesn’t need it, we do.
  • Sunday night as I did the kid’s devotions I was reminded how my children’s are a blessing, gift and reward from God. My worship to my heavenly Father is to make sure I am giving every ounce of love and care to His gifts.
  • Sunday night as I did my Bible Study (because the week was almost over & I hadn’t started) I learned how a relationship with God means work and effort on our part. It means letting God be in control to fight our battles so we can overcome them.

My prayers on my oppression on my attitude had always been : Help me God to find the time for you, help me to remember my Spiritual walk, help me to be a better Christian. That’s the opposite of what God wants. With my prayers I am still in control of my life as God “helps me”. God doesn’t need to help me do it. I need God’s help in order for me to be able to do it. God was saying He goes ahead of me.

My prayer is now God I need you. I need to make time for you. I need to know that I can’t do this walk without you. I am not a Christian without you in. Smarten me up God. I claim in Jesus name that you don’t need me for your Glory. You don’t need me to pray for you to do your Will, You’re going to do it anyway. You need me to pray for Me. I need you, I need the time set aside for you so that I am open to hear you.

God delivers - Wow giving God that much control brings tears to my eyes because I see in verse 51 that “On that day, the lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt by their divisions”

When Israel made the choice to follow Him and trust that God would do something for them, He does. It doesn’t get more simpler and wonderful than that.

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